Stefan Schröder
Simon Stellmer
Jürgen Kusche
Session G4.1
Fri, 30 Apr, 09:00–10:30 (CEST)
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Since 2002 GRACE/-Follow-On observe the Earth's gravity field variations with unprecedented accuracy
...with ground measurement tools
Main problems:
GNSS comparison to GRACE requires an elastic loading model of the Earth
affect the GNSS but does not follow elastic loading theory, i.e. can not be detected with GRACE
Main problem:
Local hydrology and wet air mass affect the gravimeters, but not GRACE; they are hard to model
If and how Superconducting Gravimeters (SG) can be used for GRACE validation is disputed (see e.g. the discussion between Van Camp et al., 2014 and Crossley et al., 2014)
Optical clocks
iGRAV043. Photo: Basem Elsaka, Uni Bonn
... will soon be a third ground measurement tool for GRACE validation
relative frequency difference, e.g. between two clocks*
gravity potential difference
speed of light
relative frequency difference, e.g. between two clocks*
gravity potential difference
speed of light
*High performance optical clock comparisons over continental distances can be conducted via fibre links, e.g. with bidirectional amplifiers along the fibre link.
geoid height change at the clock's location
vertical displacement of the clock
would thus be the physical height change of the clock
RMS variability of non-tidal effects
Hydrology (CLM)
Atmophere (ERA-5 forced)
Glaciers (OGGM)
Corresponding time-series
Hydrology. All time series relative to the fractional frequencies in Braunschweig, Germany
Atmosphere. All time series relative to the fractional frequencies in Braunschweig, Germany
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But how do the clocks compare to satellite gravity data and at which spatial scales can they be used for validation?
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